
All posts for the month May, 2013

Facebook Rejection

Published May 17, 2013 by Sandee

Years ago, I told a friend that I would never go on Facebook.  If I wasn’t already talking to the people, I didn’t need to be interacting with them on Facebook.  I said I’d only be interested in contacting people from elementary school and my old babysitter — people from before adolescence. These people represent pivotal parts of my early development memory data.  Things got too complicated after adolescence.

I wanted to contact Margarita Fong, Yu Ching Wong and Suk Soo from P.S. 152 – and no, I didn’t go to school in China Town – I tell you that Suk Soo was rough.  She didn’t speak English well, but mess with her you’d see — she’d take on an attack stance and yell in her heavily accented voice, “You talk!  You talk!”  You’d run right outta there!  I would also like to contact Nina from kindergarten, Mary Lou, Zaida, David, and my fourth grade teacher Mrs. DePierro with the rotten teeth – though she’s gotta be dead now.

It was necessary for me to get immersed in social media to “market” Mean-Spirited Tales.  So here I am on Facebook.  I sent a couple of these people from the days of yore Facebook friend requests.  I haven’t heard back.  Except for my old babysitter and Mrs. DePierro, perchance they don’t recall me, as they were just babes themselves back then, and I’ve heard some people say they don’t remember anything before the age of ten.

That’s hard for me to believe since I have very early memories, though not as early as that guy who says he remembers coming out of his mother’s vagina – haha!  I remember not being able to walk and I remember someone changing my diaper — they put Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder on my butt.  Just after learning to walk, I waddled to my brother’s crib and snatched the pacifier out of his mouth.  I guess the crib was low and I had a high reach.

It might just be that the folks I’ve reached out to haven’t been fortunate enough to recall such nascent gems.  So I’ll just chalk the rejection off to “lack-of-memory-cognizance syndrome” and be done with it.


The planet over the condominium

Published May 16, 2013 by Sandee


At 2AM when it’s quiet and the delineations fade and compartments die,  unconfined, metaphors become clearer when I look up at the stars and planets I can’t identify.

I asked a friend what he thought that big star might be that comes out over the condominiums across the street at night.  “Uranus,” he said — haha!

Heaven Hell God the Devil.  In a muted way I believe every bit of it.

In bed at night, I imagine the mechanism in our brains that we have for survival that inspires us to be so colorful — the intuition that warns us in hyperbolic ways that shouldn’t really be taken so goddamned literally.  Nevertheless, they mean something–all the symbols.

For now, I like not knowing what that star or planet over the condominium is.