
All posts for the month June, 2014

Italian Futurism, Degenerate Art, and a Nice Pair of Sandals

Published June 17, 2014 by Sandee



Italian Futurism! How appropriately displayed at the Guggenheim — modernistic, glorified violence, war, speed, technology! Zoom! And the dismissal of women with the exception of Marinetti’s wife, and a couple of others.

As someone who appreciates words, I wondered what that “Words-in-Freedom” film there was about. It said on the wall that these words helped disseminate their manifesto projectile style. No adjectives — just verbs – exclamations! The film uses imagery with audio rendering rhythmic Italian exclamations: Sento e nom vedo – vampe vampe vampe! Zang! Alla, faccia, vostra, sputi, pernacchi!

From the top tier of the Guggenheim, I looked all the way down to the first floor, and imagined diving into the futuristic abyss, head first into the fountain — the ultimate performance art piece – “Conosuoooooooooooooooooono!!!”

Instead, I went to the Neue Galerie next to see “degenerate art,” but the damn place is closed on Tuesdays. So I bought shoes – I wonder what kinds of jobs these nationalistic/fascist-minded people expected people to do in their society. Maybe there’d just be race car drivers, rapists, and scientists? I mean, what? It was a really good exhibit though.